Large White Dragon Egg

This dragon egg was purchased from my shop and as I pack it up to ship it out to its new owner, I'm a little sad to see it go. It takes an incredible amount of time to make these beauties and it turns out I'm a little attached. I hope the new owner loves …

Finished the Couatl Egg

Spent a few hours last night and then a few more this morning finishing the couatl egg. Now I  just need to write a description for Etsy, photograph it, weigh it for packaging and list it. I'm happy with how it turned out though. 🙂

Finishing Up Set of Three Dragon Eggs

Just a quick look at the process. Almost finished painting this set of three medium size dragon eggs, then some sealer and they are ready to go up on Etsy. Then I can start figuring out that couatl egg. Have a great day everyone.

Couatl Egg?

It has been suggested to me that I should pick a mythological creature and then make an egg for it, which on the surface makes a lot of sense. My process, however, is to make something depending on my mood, or the use of certain colors or shapes, or anything really that sparks an idea …

Cockatrice Egg

Today I listed a cockatrice egg on Etsy. It didn't start out as a cockatrice egg, I was thinking it would be another dragon egg, but when it was finished, I looked at it and knew instantly that it came from a cockatrice. After listing it I went searching for rooster images because that was …